9 year-old Tom & baby me, my first Christmas |
Just a little over a year ago, I lost my older brother Tom, to a short but brutal battle against Stage 4 Neuroendocine Cancer. It was a battle that he boldly took on--shored his emotional, spiritual & physical resources up, against a mean, super smart, mutating cell that showed very little mercy.
And I shored myself up to be emotionally, spiritually & physically available for all that Tom might need. Being in the Bay Area, while he was in Chicago, meant that most of what I could do was visit for short spells; take every call he made to me; and research every angle of how we could amp up his care. I wanted to support his boys, his partner, and just help in any way that I could.
His illness made me acutely aware of the multi-layered, complex situation being diagnosed with a terminal illness creates. While getting better should be the main focus, how does one ignore the life that keeps surging ahead--caring for children, financial concerns and simply showing up for life?
Tom, my daughter & Tom's son |
My brother, in many ways, was more fortunate than most. His company afforded him the 'gift of time'--to allow him to take his treatments, get his life in order, all the while letting him continue his work, as he could, which for Tom, meant a great deal. And with his family & huge network of friends behind him, Tom found the support that he needed.
Which brings me to Family House of San Francisco, who we just happen to be funding this weekend, in our Online Trunkshow. Family House serves as a home away from home for families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses by providing physical comfort and emotional support, free from financial concerns. A family can stay intact, in free temporary housing while they manage the needs of the intense treatments their child is receiving, at University of California San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital. Family House attempts to 'lighten the load' of families who are operating at exceptionally high levels of stress brought on by long-term care & concern for their children.
Chicago's Field Museum with Uncle Tom |
This holiday, we continue our commitment to helping families, by providing a helping hand when life deals them, what I imagine to be, one of the most intense experiences a parent can go through.
When you make a purchase at Ses Petites Mains, we will donate 10% to Family House of San Francisco. Shop with love, knowing that your Tiny Chic purchase will make a grand difference to a family in need of a helping hand. We are Ses Petites Mains (translation--'Her Little Hands'), after all.