Fidoodle is a small, Toronto-based design company that creates a delightful array of puzzles & blocks which are sure to inspire storytelling,
creative play and a love for small objects.

I met the designer, Jen Bulthius, when she was a neighbor
to our ses petites mains booth in NYC, a few shows ago.
I was immediately taken by the beautiful handwork that goes into each object. And I couldn't help but notice that we shared a love of tiny objects--we are, afterall, tiny chic clothing!
And Jen just happened to be taken by our dresses
(note, her daughter in our Iris dress from season's past!)
And observing how
my daughter played with her Fidoodle
objets, I can vouch for Jen's claim that they
'inspire storytelling, creative play" and more!
So now, I'm thrilled to have two Fidoodle puzzle & block sets to share with our ses petites mains audience.

Here's one example--the city blocks & puzzle--printed with illustrations of city life, which can be assembled any way you like.
These solid maple blocks make great conversation starters with our little people about the places in which we live and work.

When the blocks are flipped over to the red side, they form a puzzle.
I nearly forgot to mention how much I loved Fidoodle's ideology--
'it's important that our playful, modern designs are intriguing to both children and adults.
Because we all play together.'
I couldn't agree more!
Check out the City & Country sets of puzzle blocks
at our
tiny chic boutique.
Fidoodle's toys meet new CPSC regulations for toy safety
and are recommended for ages 1+.
Fidoodle's toys are built from salvaged maple off-cuts.